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News about Orphans of Ovenstein

9. Februar 2024

In this news update, we will answer your most pressing questions regarding the upcoming Myth Orphans of Ovenstein Kickstarter set. We realize that the Myth community comprises many different types of players with different needs, and to address all of them, we currently plan that the new Kickstarter will come in 3 different tiers. Please note that these are our plans at this point in time, and that all of this is subject to change!

Tier 1 will be the Basic Box with all rules, cards, game materials, the full campaign, as well as 10 hero miniatures and 60 standees for allies and monsters. This is the entry-level version, well suited for beginners, as well as veterans who already have a large collection of Myth miniatures.

Tier 2 will contain the Basic Box + a Miniatures Box that replace the standees mentioned above. This is the miniature game as we truly envision it, the perfect choice for old and new players who want the complete Myth experience.

Tier 3 will the Basic Box + the Miniatures Box + a deluxe box with all variant miniatures of the campaign, adding more than 100 additional miniatures to the game. At this tier, every monster variant you encounter in the campaign will have its own individual miniature. I.e. the shamblers of the new Red Eyed Army faction will have their own, unique look. This is the deluxe version of the game, a real eye-catcher, with tons of exciting material.

With these 3 options, we hope to be able to serve the two main goals of Myth: to provide you with a great game experience, and to provide you with a plethora of exciting new miniatures.

A question, that came up in regards to the old Myth miniatures, was whether they remain valid for the new Myth. The answer is yes, they remain valid in the sense that the world background and the visual style of Myth remain the same, so if you have monster miniatures that fit the descriptions of monsters encountered in the new campaign, you can absolutely use them. And on top of that, as Myth is charging ahead into the future with new and exciting game material, we will provide you with many more awesome miniatures to add to your collection. We haven’t reached any kind of peak yet, instead we are just getting started. Orphans of Ovenstein will be just the first in a line of awesome products, and we hope to have you on board and along for the ride!

For the next update, we plan to dive deeper into the game mechanics of Myth. That said, our main priority will always be answering your questions, and we know that a question answered will often beget new questions. That’s the name of the game. So keep those questions coming, we will answer them all!

Christian Lonsing

Jung gebliebener Großer Alter. Spiele-Schmied und Aventuria Oberdämon. Kennt jedes Spiel und hat überall schon seine Finger drin gehabt. Trägt meistens Handschuhe. Kann keinen Absatz schreiben, ohne mindestens einen Kalauer unterzubringen.

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